Ogłoszenie archiwalne, może być już nieaktualne.

Restaurant & Hotel Staff in Austria, Netherlands, France

Lokalizacja: Cały kraj

Ogłoszenie Bezpośrednie

Szczegóły oferty:

Job Trust is hiring waiters and cooks for restaurants, hotels and holiday parks around the Netherlands, Austria, France!

Job Duration:

The Netherlands: from the mid of August or later for 6+ months

Austria: from November to April

France: from November to April or longer


- Cooks (head chef and sous chef, help cooks, sushi cooks, pizza chefs , breakfast cooks etc.)
- Waiters
- Dishwashers
- Other (Housekeeping, Receptionists)


The salaries are 1.600-2.300E per month + 18% extra holiday money + tips.

Accommodation in the Netherlands in some of the cases is free and in some other cases it costs 100-400E per month per person.

Shared accommodation in Austria and France is provided free on site + meals


- Good knowledge of English
- French language for France and German language for Austria advisable
- Previous working experience advisable
- EU Nationality

How to Apply:

Apply now at www.jobtrust.gr or send a cv to cv@jobtrust.gr!

No commission! No fees to be paid to Job Trust!

Dodano dnia: 13-01-2023


JobTrust HR & Recruitment

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